Midlife Synergy
12 weeks of 1:1 tailored support to guide you on your premature, peri, post-menopausal journey.
Master menopause with Midlife Synergy and embrace your beautiful life transition.
Is this you?
Are you having sleepless nights and waking up drenched in sweat?
Do you feel anxious and overwhelmed most of the days?
Do your joints ache and cannot find out the reason why?
Is your stomach twice the size it was in the last year..?
Is your libido low?
Do you have vaginal dryness and painful/uncomfortable intercourse?
Has your doctor told you that your cholesterol is out of control?
Is your blood pressure slowly inching up
Do you feel fatigued, with no energy?
Are you worried about ageing parents and taking care of your family most of the time?
Do you struggle with heart palpitations?
Do you feel bloated all the time?
Having amazing intercourse with your partner again
Having little to no hot flashes to deal with
Feeling peaceful and calm throughout your day
Being at a healthy premenopausal weight
Feeling vigorous and full of energy
Looking and feeling the best you've ever felt in your midlife?
Comfortable and at one with the body that god has given them.
I want you to know thriving during menopause is possible.
Hi, I’m Nikki
During my menopausal transition I felt overwhelmed, fearful, lonely and like society did not understand me.
I would experience tremendous heat surges, as well emotional and physical fluctuations that would make my life and work miserable.
Likewise clients would come to me with similar experiences and I could not treat them fully and holistically given the limitations imposed by the medical model.
But the real breakthrough occurred when I was able to integrate myself physically, mentally and spiritually.
Through trauma-informed coaching, esoteric practices, somatic movement and much more, I was finally able to be in synergy with menopause.
I became more:
Rested and relaxed
Mentally clear with less brain fog and memory lapses
Balanced with decreased hot flashes
Comfortable with less vaginal dryness and irritation
Sexually awake with no painful intercourse
Strong with less joint pain
Vibrant with a healthy weight
Spiritually centered and aligned
Because the truth is, the medical system is flawed and is not designed to support women transitioning through midlife.
Women are currently forced to express this life changing experience within unreasonable 20 min time slots. The gap of support provided to women for midlife care is fuelling unnecessary suffering when symptoms are treatable.
In order to alleviate my symptoms and find a solution, I researched several modalities including medical and holistic approaches.
The only way that I was able to create a physically healthy body was by implementing an anti-inflammatory diet, rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains and lean meat; focusing on strength building exercises; and gaining clarity & embodiment about my feminine energy. I not only lost weight, but finally felt more grounded and connected to who I am as a person.
I am a family nurse practitioner with 15+ years of medical experience
I specialise in women's health, offering a holistic soul-centred approach to medical care.
The reason why I specialise in midlife care is because after going through menopause myself and working in the medical system for 15+ years, I became alarmed about how little support there was for women going through this life changing experience .
In order to have synergy with menopause, a holistic soul-centred approach is necessary.
Midlife Synergy
12 weeks of 1:1 tailored support to guide you on your premature, peri, post-menopausal journey.
Midlife Synergy
Connect to your inner self
Understand the source of your anxiety & resolve it
Relieve troublesome menopausal symptoms through medical,holistic and mindfulness measures
Have a menopausal coach that connects with you and gives you integral support through this difficult journey
Transform your life with the knowledge that will a last throughout the lifespan.
Slide through menopause with grace by mastering your symptoms
Embrace menopause as a beautiful transition